domenica 16 dicembre 2012

                                   YEAR 2012 - 17 December -

Publication E-chapbook in dual  language Italian/ English  entitled Vibrazioni /Vibrations for the Danse Macabre, Lazarus Media, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

        Link Vibrations for sale U.S.A.

            Link Vibrations U.K. for sale

            Link dove acquistare il mio libro




VIBRAZIONI is a large, Fellini-esque circus whose music reaches to every reader’s ears, enchanting, seducing, conquering, enthralling. This is poetry as a big top, with its shining ornaments of the mind, covered with tempting ideals; here, your dreams perform, like trained and helpless puppies on their leads. This big circus welcomes everyone, and the show mis about to begin. In both lyrical English and sumptuous Italian, VIBRAZIONI / Vibrations will not leave you unmoved.





VIBRAZIONI è un grande circo Felliniano la cui musica giunge alle orecchie di ogni lettore, una musica incantevole, seducente, conquistatoria e coinvolgente. Questa è la poesia raffigurata dal poeta come un tendone di un circo con gli ornamenti più scintillanti che la mente dispone, ricoperti da ideali invitanti, qui, i tuoi sogni si esibiscono come cuccioli addestrati al pugno dei tuoi desideri. Questo grande circo accoglie tutti e lo spettacolo sta per iniziare. Il tutto descritto da un inglese lirico e un sontuoso italiano, VIBRAZIONI / Vibrazioni non vi lascerà  indifferenti.

The readers:

I bought Vibrazioni by Matteo Spinetti the other day and I've been reading it over several times. Matteo is a poet who understands the passionate purpose of language while maintaining a philosophical, often introspective tone that invites the reader to tackle some of the timeless questions of humanity.
I'd never read Matteo's poetry before. I implore you -- in poetry or anything else in life, take a chance on something you've never tried before.

By Leanne Hanson  (Australian poet)


I really enjoyed your book Matteo - your voice is new and fresh, and I appreciate the dual languages as I'm not very fluent in Italian. I'm sure you'll be a valuable addition to the Lazarus stable and I look forward to reading more from you.

By Mercedes WebbPullman (New Zealand poet)


Naturally magnificent, you would, you are, will write more when not mid dream state ~ your energy is soothing, calming as well as gives flutter to butterflies and fae in belly - solar plexus chakra. my favorite. ty Magnificent, you would, you are, will write more when not mid dream state ~ your energy is soothing, calming as well as gives flutter to butterflies and fae in belly - solar plexus chakra. my favorite. ty

Amelia Matus (Owner and Founder of Art Alive)


Matteo, thank you for letting me read and comment on your poetry in this new collection. I found your work at once existential and lyrical with images and new insights that remain with me. You have a fresh outlook on the emotional landscape and the eternal questions man asks of  his world. Your writing evokes an immediate and honest reaction from the reader. Colorful and emotive images are created with few and well-chosen words. The Italian which I only understand a very little is still a delight as is the English translation of each piece. Just


Susana Hazelden, poet

Friends Magazine and Writers Friends


                       My Publications Poems in Magazines

Link - Ambriel Revolution -

The uselessness of growing up   

Poured milk
Into the time-maker mouth.

Poured milk
on the joints of trembling smiles
inside the world frenzy.

Innocent lips

where to plunge the invisibility of the normal
and to extend,
until the end of the existence.

L’inutilità del crescere 
Latte versato
nella bocca febbricitante del tempo.
Latte versato
su giunture di sorrisi tremolanti
nella frenesia del mondo.
Innocenti labbra
dove immergere, l’invisibilità del normale
ed estendersi,
fino alla fine dell’essere.

Link - Danse Macabre -

Red sex 

the lion’s mouths,
to satisfy you with misunderstood love
the fingers touch

inside the body,
of a two headed breast,

of the one who devours love
with the passion of hatred.

Rosso sesso  

le bocche di leone,
per sfamarti d’amore incompreso
le dita toccano,

dentro il corpo
di un seno a due teste

la rabbia,
di chi divora l’amore
con la passione dell’odio.



The thought of reality
Stagnant puddle
reflected silence of the onlooker,
mirror of life for the passing sky, running away,
mirror of shouts and cries for the man,who passing by, stops and weeps.

of uninterrupted stillness.
Il pensiero della realtà
Pozzanghera stagnante
silenzio riflesso di chi ti guarda,
specchio di vita per il cielo che passa, fuggendo,
specchio di urla e grida per l'uomo, che passando, si ferma e piange.

d'immobilità continua.
The nudity of the water


naked thought
that slides on the skin of tomorrow,
limpid appearance of knowledge
over the brilliancy of love.
La nudità dell’acqua    

pensiero nudo
che scivola sulla pelle del domani,
parvenza limpida di conoscenza
oltre il candore dell’amore.


OTher My Link

Link sale my chapbook Vibrations on

Link - Ambriel Rev - Featured Poet - Matteo Spinetti

Link - My poems Muse Pie Press

Link - Facebook - Matteo Spinetti

Link - My Other Blog -

Link - Blog writers - Dverse Poets

Link Blenza - Various Writers Blog

Link - Writers Friends - PoetrySansFrontieres
Link - Jeffrey Littleton Art




My other works of poetry in Italy

                       YEAR 2008 (italian edition)

Nudità Mentale (Full-length) Seneca Edizioni, Turin; Italy

Contenente la poesia "Gli occhi della poesia" classificato al secondo posto al concorso nazionale "Giovani Mascotte".

Winner of the second place at the national poetry Award "Mascotte" with the poem "Gli occhi della poesia"

The charming description of a world touched by the delicate breaths of nature, which in its perfection lives suspended on the edge of our humanity. A world where love melts and everything becomes universally unique.

L'affascinante descrizione di un mondo toccato dai delicati soffi della natura, che nella sua perfezione vive sospesa ai margini della nostra umanità. Un mondo dove l'amore si fonde e tutto diventa universalmente unico.

              YEARS 2005/2011 (italian edition)

I Petali del cuore & Voci del silenzio Seneca edizioni, Turin, Italy December.

An interesting collection of poems for the double version of things: one gets the impression that the poet has a split personality almost a sort of Dr, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by which is present at the time, his version of the life can be positive or negative, but never forced, the result of a good observation of the surrounding world

Una interessante raccolta di poesie per la doppia versione delle cose: si ha l'impressione che il poeta abbia una doppia personalità quasi una sorta di Dr, Jekyll e Mr. Hyde di che è presente in quel momento, la sua versione della vita può essere positivo o negativo, ma mai forzata, il risultato di una buona osservazione del mondo circostante.

                                            In the year 2011 format e-book

                         Link my e-book for sale

                       Link my e-book for sale



                                                      YEAR 2004 (italian edition)

Echi di pazzia (Echo of madness- Full-length) Alberti & C. Editori Arezzo Italy

Winner of the tenth place at the XXVIII edition of “Trofeo Medusa Aurea” Award organized by the International Modern Art Academy in Rome for the publishing of Echi di Pazzia.

"Human strength lies in his madness"                     "is the triumph of the dying man creates life"

                                                  MY BIOGRAPHY


1 - The poetry“Pianto malinconico” with Arcadia Award, ( IV edition) Italy - Rome - Year 2003
2 - The poetry “Vittime di guerra” with Pablo Neruda ( IV edition) Italy - Pavia  - Year 2003
3 - The poetry I petali del cuore” with Montedit, Italy - Milan - Year 2006
4 - The poetry “Tutto il mondo e poi” with Aletti Editor, Italy - Rome, - Year 2006
5 - The poetry “La voce in bottiglia” with “Orizzonti, Italy - Rome - Year 2006
6 - The poetry “Oltre l’umana fattezza” by Fusca Poesia, Italy - Florence - Year 2007

1 - Mini antologia poetica (Chapbook) Rome Italy - Year 2003
2 - Echi di pazzia (Echo of madness- Full- length) Arezzo Italy - Year 2004
3 - I petali del cuore & Voci del silenzio (The petals of the heart and Voices of the silence- Full - length) Seneca Edizioni, Turin, Italy Year 2005
4 - Nudità Mentale (Mental Nudity - Full- length) Seneca Edizioni, Turin, Italy Year 2008
5 - I petali del cuore & Voci del silenzio format e-book Seneca Edizioni, Turin, Italy – Year 2011
6 - Vibrazioni/Vibrations e-chapbook in dual language Italian/ English, Danse Macabre and Lazarus Media, Nevada, Las Vegas, U.S.A. Year 2012.

7 - Popular Movement - e-chapbook in dual language Italian/ English with Hammer & Anvil books and Danse Macabre Nevada, Las Vegas, U.S.A. Year 2013

1 - The poetry: The Whisper of Clouds” with Silenced Press, Ohio, Columbus.U.S.A.- Year 2009
2 - The poetry "The thought of reality" with Folly, Cali-fornia, San Francisco. U.S.A. - Year 2009
3 - The poetries “Red sex” and“The space through the brain” with Danse Macabre, Nevada,  Las Vegas. U.S.A.Year 2009
4 - The poetry “Love yourself” with Joyful, Massachu-setts, Springfield.U.S.A. - Year 2009
5- The poetry “Syndrome Down" with Right Hand Pointing“ Alabama, Birmingham U.S.A.- Year 2010
6 - The poetry “Circle”with Nibble Poems Word Press magazine Oakland, California - U.S.A.Year 2010
7 - Publication of the short poems “Unknown, Goodbye and The poet’s notes” whit Muse-Pie Press located in Passaic, New Jersey U.S.A.Year 2010
8 - Publication of the poems "The nudity of water", whit The Meadowland Review in Danbury, Connecticut. U.S.A. Year 2011

9 - Publications the short poems “Hypochondriac of Normalcy” and "Whispers of Glances"whit The Ambriel Revolution located Jacksonville, Florida. U.S.A. Year 2013
1 -Winner of the second place at the National Poetry Award “Mascotte” (Young section) with the  poem Gli occhi della poesia, July Year 2005

2 - Finalist in the "Premio Ibiskos" organized by Ibiskos publisher, Empoli, Florence. Year 2005
3 - Winner of the tenth place at the XXVIII edition of “Trofeo Medusa” Award organized by the International Modern Art Academy in Rome for  the publishing of  Echi di Pazzia; Year 2006
4 - Finalist  Popular Movement in the competition organized by Bright Hill Literary Center , Treadwell N.Y. Year 2013


A total of over 200 published poems
My previous works are already present and  sold by the greatest international sellers as:    