venerdì 29 novembre 2013


I am pleased to present my new poetic work in dual language English/Italian published with Hammer & Anvil Books, Las Vegas Nevada November 23, 2013


to purchase, simply click below:
Some poems added in Popular Movement
Bread of poverty
Flames of metallic mouths
warm our hands
blackened by unsolved questions
that truth claims
while the night falls asleep
into the flaps of an unused newspaper
that the sore body touches
in the coldness of a histerical world
like the far heat
of a rising sun
under an unknown face
that time doesn't give
tn the pain of who lost
Il pane della povertà
Fuochi di bocche metalliche
riscaldano le nostre mani
annerite da domande irrisolte
che la verità reclama
mentre la notte si addormenta
nei risvolti di un giornale usato
che il corpo tocca indolenzito
nella freddezza del mondo
come il calore lontano
di un sole che sorge
ai piedi di un volto sconosciuto
che il tempo non concede
nel dolore di chi ha perso
se stesso.


Love is not tried
cement solidified
in the dullness of thought
furrows of veins

sleeping in the hands
of one who embraces
with the coolness in the heart
for another day waiting

the arrival of her farewell.



L’amore non provato
cemento solidificato
nel grigiore del pensiero
solchi di vene
nelle mani addormentate
di chi ha abbraccia
con la freddezza nel cuore
per un altro giorno che attende
l’arrivo del suo addio.

giovedì 31 ottobre 2013

Revolution, rebellion, meritocracy and democracy, these are words that continually vibrate in our minds, but what to do to put our ideas into practice?
I believe that the real revolution begins in our minds, because to change that surrounds us externally we must first have the desire to change within ourselves, it is true, our experiences affect our mind, but each of us has the tools and energy to improve.
We must have the power to transform our negative experiences into something positive for us, and then have the courage to expand our positivity to the world for love of neighbor because every life is important and each person must be given the opportunity to express themselves in order to evolve his soul to the desired direction.
We can not accept the insidious methods of exploitation that few men have imposed only a pseudo mania for control, we can not let a handful of unscrupulous people control the population, because everything seems bigger than us, but in reality is very weak because it was built on erroneous ideologies.
The lords of power have cunningly concocted the need for useless things as a kind of morphine that leaves us momentarily satisfied to keep the people trapped in their addiction because a people who delude themselves are a people who it can not react a people convinced that their welfare is in your pocket is a people that has no future.
They create dependencies exploiting the poverty, hunger, creating new fears and new diseases to barter with all our souls, with our freedom and our being with the dominance and mental slavery, we are trapped by invisible chains that can not make noise.
Personally I do not ever feel satisfied, I do not ever feel free as long as all people in the world will not be treated in the same way, until every living person does not have the same rights and opportunities because we are people, to have the real power, what is needed is only the awareness to do so.

 Site Web Link :Matteo Spinetti Poet

My literary group on facebook: Unite The World


giovedì 26 settembre 2013



The dance of the illusion is a big circus where the music reaches everybody’s ears, enchanting, seducing, conquering, enthralling. It calms down the bad thoughts with bright eyes caresses and soft voices arpeggios. The illusion is that little smile you’d never dare do, because it doesn’t judge you but sweetly says the most right whispers for you. The dance of the illusion is a big decorated top, with its shining ornaments its mind has, covered with tempting ideals and conceptions. Don’t worry, everything has been prepared according to your desires, everything has been ordered by your mind, these are your dreams that decided to perform at last, like trained and helpless puppies on its fist leash. Come on, don’t be shy now, this big circus welcomes anybody making no age, religion, origin, intelligence, skin colour and social class differences. You’re here by now and your excuses for staying out are useless as the reality that doesn’t belong to you, and remember that only at the end of the show you will be asked to pay so a laughable sum that you won’t need your money. I’m sure that we will reach an attractive agreement for both of us; but hurry up, the big illusion circus has opened and the show is about to begin, go now to take the seat that belongs to you and don’t forget to smile because I know that at the end you will thank me, because look at you, you’re already smiling.

Some poems:

Female vibrations

You have the beauty of a woman
the smile of a little girl
and the affection of a mother
you have the charm of an entire world
around your body love.
You are a cloud with a sun flavour
that will never set
desiring a man
that will never die.


Vibrazioni femminili

Hai la bellezza di una donna
il sorriso di una bambina
e la tenerezza di una mamma
hai il fascino di tutto un mondo
intorno all’amore del tuo corpo.

Sei nuvola al sapore di un sole
che non tramonterà mai
nel desiderio di un uomo
che non morirà mai.

Rash start

A moment of pleasure
rash and obsessive.
Moments of power and mental derangement
moments, when the beast prevails against the man
and the flesh becomes passion to be devoured.

Our body,
A drain that can be dirtied
and flesh rests of a man who disappears.


Sussulto inconsulto

Attimo di godimento
inconsulto e maniacale.

Attimi di potere e squilibrio mentale
attimi, dove la bestia predomina l’uomo
e la carne diventa passione da divorare.
Il nostro corpo,
una fogna da sporcare
e resti di carne di un uomo che scompare.


Let the dances begin

Untruthful jugglers
with gentle eyes
trained to lie,
long hair to hide the face and hazy emotions
clear words that the mind doesn’t remember or
doesn’t think about.

Lisps of red passion
in the cold colour of your kisses
left on the pale passion of your fires.

Hearts juggler
now you’ve drawn your smile
and your knives have bled
for an unwarranted love.
for the game you have been trained to play
leave the dust of your jumps
to the eyes of the unaware audience
stealing their last look
with the greed
of who lost herself.

Abbiano inizio le danze

Giocolieri menzogneri
dagli occhi dolci
ammaestrati a mentire,
capelli lunghi per coprire il volto da velate emozioni
parole scandite che la mente non ricorda o semplicemente non pensa.
Labbra truccate di rosso passione
nel freddo colore dei tuoi baci
posati sulla pallida passione dei tuoi fuochi.
Giocoliere di cuori
adesso che il tuo sorriso hai sguainato
e i tuoi coltelli hanno sanguinato
di un amore ingiustificato
per il gioco a cui sei stata addestrata
lascia la polvere dei tuoi salti
agli occhi di spettatori inconsapevoli
rubando l’ultimo dei loro sguardi
con l’avidità
di chi ha perso se stesso.


mercoledì 6 febbraio 2013



1- The poetry“Pianto malinconico” with Arcadia Award, ( IV edition) Italy - Rome - Year 2003
2 - The poetry “Vittime di guerra” with Pablo Neruda ( IV edition) Italy - Pavia - Year 2003
3- The poetry I petali del cuore” with Montedit, Italy - Milan -Year 2006
4 - The poetry “Tutto il mondo e poi” with Aletti Editor, Italy - Rome, - Year 2006
5 - The poetry “La voce in bottiglia” with “Orizzonti, Italy - Rome - Year 2006
6 - The poetry “Oltre l’umana fattezza” by Fusca Poesia, Italy -Florence - Year 2007


1- Mini antologia poetica (Chapbook) Rome Italy - Year 2003
2 -Echi di pazzia (Echo of madness- Full- length) Arezzo Italy - Year 2004
3 - I petali del cuore & Voci del silenzio (The petals of the heart and Voices of the silence- Full - length) Seneca Edizioni, Turin, Italy Year 2005
4 - Nudità Mentale (Mental Nudity - Full- length) Seneca Edizioni, Turin, Italy Year 2008
5 -I petali del cuore & Voci del silenzio format e-book Seneca Edizioni, Turin, Italy – Year 2011
6 - Vibrazioni/Vibrations e-chapbook in dual language Italian/ English, Danse Macabre and Lazaras Media, Nevada, Las Vegas, U.S.A. Year 2012.
7- POPULAR MOVEMENT - Hammer & Anvil books and Danse Macabre Nevada, Las Vegas, U.S.A. THE E-CHAPBOOK FOR SALE THE END OF NOVEMBER 2013


1- The poetry: The Whisper of Clouds” with Silenced Press, Ohio, Columbus.U.S.A.-Year 2009
2 - The poetry "The thought of reality" with Folly, Cali-fornia, San Francisco. U.S.A. - Year 2009
3 - The poetries “Red sex” and“The space through the brain” with Danse Macabre, Nevada, Las Vegas. U.S.A.Year 2009
4- The poetry “Love yourself” with Joyful, Massachu-setts, Springfield.U.S.A. - Year 2009
5- The poetry “Syndrome Down" with Right Hand Pointing“ Alabama, Birmingham U.S.A.- Year 2010
6- The poetry “Circle”with Nibble Poems Word Press magazine Oakland, California - U.S.A.Year 2010
7 - Publication of the short poems “Unknown, Goodbye and The poet’s notes” whit Muse-Pie Press located in Passaic, New Jersey U.S.A.Year 2010
8 -Publication of the poems "The nudity of water", whit The Meadowland Review in Danbury, Connecticut. U.S.A. Year 2011

9- Publications the short poems “Hypochondriac of Normalcy” and "Whispers of Glances"whit The Ambriel Revolution located Jacksonville, Florida. U.S.A. Year 2013


1-Winner of the second place at the National Poetry Award “Mascotte”(Young section) with the poem Gli occhi della poesia, July Year 2005
2 - Finalist in the "Premio Ibiskos" organized by Ibiskos publisher, Empoli, Florence. Year 2005
3- Winner of the tenth place at the XXVIII edition of “Trofeo Medusa” Award organized by the International Modern Art Academy in Rome for the publishing of Echi di Pazzia; Year 2006
4- Finalist Popular Movement in the competition organized by Bright Hill Literary Center , Treadwell N.Y.Year 2013


A total of over 200 published poems

My previous works are already present and sold by the greatest international sellers as:


venerdì 1 febbraio 2013

Published in Right Hand Pointing Year 2010

Syndrome Down

Unknown angels
silences, over the intellect.
           Sindrome Down            

Angeli ignoti
silenzi, oltre l’intelletto.